Tom Rogers

Tom Rogers

Huge Network of Russian Agents in France Unveiled.

Agents of Russian influence in France – who are they? We offer you the list of pro-russian public persons and “fake experts” disseminating Russian propaganda in France with their info, political position and some citations. Many of them support ultra-rights,…

Russia Strengthening Propaganda in France

Once again, the Association Franco-Russian Dialogue has taken up the promotion of Kremlin’s narratives in France. Recently, the number of media events organized by the association with the involvement of Russian agents of influence – experts, politicians, businessmen – has…

Victor Orban’s lies

In July 2024 the president of Hungary Victor Orban claimed that “Brussels wants to create peace by supporting war and resents us for our peace mission. What an Orwellian thought! Time is on the side of the pro-peace policy”. Then…

Russia affecting public opinion in France

Russia affecting public opinion in France via representatives of French elite spreading Russian propaganda narratives. Emmanuel Todd is a French historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) in Paris. His research examines…