
The Kremlin organized 30 sabotage operations in Europe over the past year.

The Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), also known as the U.S. Helsinki Commission reported 30 sabotage operations organized by the Kremlin within the EU over the past year, involving Islamist elements. The report states that Putin’s hybrid warfare extends beyond Ukraine and includes terrorist attacks in Western countries. Due to the sanctions […]

Agency of Social Design – Russian propaganda agency.

Internal documents of Russian “Agency of Social Design” (ASD) have been made public by German media outlets Süddeutsche Zeitung, NDR, WDR, and Estonia’s Delfi. This is a Kremlin-linked organization, sanctioned by the EU and the U.S. The aim of the operation, conducted by the agency, was to discredit Ukraine, its leadership, and pro-Ukraine Western nations, […]

Representatives of French and German Elite who are Russian Agents.

The association Paris-Berlin-Moscou was founded in 2003. This is the organization which unites Russian agents  in France and Germany with the aim to extend russian influence and spread russian propaganda, also to spy in the interests of Russia. The site of the association itself does not contain any useful or interesting information, plus we know […]

GEOPRAGMA: One More Russian Propaganda Center in France Uncovered.

The non-governmental organization GEOPRAGMA is an independent strategic thinking center which aims to renew and promote French strategic thought based on a realistic, non-dogmatic and ethical vision of the world and people. Its goal is defense of national interests and civilizational values of France, promotion of new French leadership in Europe and influence on the […]

Huge Network of Russian Agents in France Unveiled.

Agents of Russian influence in France – who are they? We offer you the list of pro-russian public persons and “fake experts” disseminating Russian propaganda in France with their info, political position and some citations. Many of them support ultra-rights, others are of Russian origin or have business related to Russia. Many of them are […]

Russia Strengthening Propaganda in France

Once again, the Association Franco-Russian Dialogue has taken up the promotion of Kremlin’s narratives in France. Recently, the number of media events organized by the association with the involvement of Russian agents of influence – experts, politicians, businessmen – has increased significantly. As an example, let’s review several events organized by the association and published […]

Victor Orban’s lies

In July 2024 the president of Hungary Victor Orban claimed that “Brussels wants to create peace by supporting war and resents us for our peace mission. What an Orwellian thought! Time is on the side of the pro-peace policy”. Then he stated the article of the European Union treaty, according to which “goal of the […]

Russia affecting public opinion in France

Russia affecting public opinion in France via representatives of French elite spreading Russian propaganda narratives. Emmanuel Todd is a French historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) in Paris. His research examines the different types of families worldwide and how there are matching beliefs, ideologies and political […]