Huge Network of Russian Agents in France Unveiled.

Agents of Russian influence in France – who are they? We offer you the list of pro-russian public persons and “fake experts” disseminating Russian propaganda in France with their info, political position and some citations. Many of them support ultra-rights, others are of Russian origin or have business related to Russia. Many of them are writers, publicists, have their blogs, pages, profiles and followers on social media, thus they can significantly affect public opinion and promote Russian narratives in France. Most of them regularly give interviews for Russian propaganda media like Sputnik, Russia today, Association Dialogue Franco-Russe and others.

dominique delawarde

Dominique Delawarde

Former French general, pro-Russian and anti-Semitic, frequent guest in several far-right media where he defends Putin and castigates the Americans.


“Despite NATO help, Russian victory is inevitable, mathematically”

Little by little NATO aid will stop, Ukraine will be abandoned by the Western allies. The Ukrainian affair is doomed to defeat of the Zelensky regime.”

“Zelensky has a few months left. The defeat of Ukraine is a matter of weeks or months. I think it’s rather months. I think the matter will be over and Zelensky will no longer be in power in Ukraine.”

Jean Lucat

Jean Lucat

Former paratrooper of the 8th RPIMA, and former DST agent in 1972, counterespionage, author of “A rebel at the DST, 15 years of sensitive affairs”.


“The Americans know that the war in Ukraine is lost”.

Guy Mettan

Guy Mettan

Swiss journalist and politician. He was a member of the Christian Democratic People’s Party of Switzerland before becoming a member of the Swiss People’s Party.

Mettan’s journalistic credibility has been questioned on several occasions. In 2017, Reporters Without Borders criticized Mettan for his pro-Russian militancy and for serving as a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda. Florian Irminger, Secretary General of the Swiss Green Party, also called Mettan an apologist for Putin’s government. Following Mettan’s support for the Ukraine bioweapons conspiracy theory in a Die Weltwoche essay in 2022, Swiss magazine Republik referred to the article as a “breathtaking compendium” of Russian propaganda.


“Westerns are poorly informed. The population of Donbass has been a subject to shelling for 10 years”.

Xavier Moreau

Former paratrooper officer who holds dual French-Russian citizenship. He owns the Moscow-based Sokol Holding that employs former members of French Army elite troops and Russian security services, as well as provides consultancy and security to French companies. He has authored books like “The new great Russia: From the collapse of the USSR to the return of Vladimir Putin” and “Ukraine – Why France was wrong”. Xavier Moreau runs the website and YouTube channel of Stratpol – Centre d’analyses politico-statégiques, promoting pro-Russian geopolitical content to primarily French audiences.


”Russia is fighting for Europe”.

“Ukraine is a dictatorship”.

“No industry, no soldiers in France”.

“The French word is no longer worth anything”.

“France has no interests in Ukraine”.

Peer de Jong

Former colonel of the marine troops, graduated the War School, doctor in political science. He is the co-founder of the Themiis Institute, dedicated to themes related to peace and security.


“Ukraine: financial aid will be of no use”.

Slobodan Despot

Born July 24, 1967, in Serbia, is a Swiss editor and writer of Serbian origin, founder and editor-in-chief of a site sharing disinformation. In 2023, Slobodan Despot shared false information claiming that Olena Zelenska spent a large sum of money on jewelry while her husband, Volodymyr Zelensky, was asking for financial aid for Ukraine to counter the Russian invasion of the country. This is false information taken from a pro-Kremlin source.


“Svoboda or others in Ukraine are movements related to Bandera and Chukhevic. These are people who came from collaborators of Nazism, who are terrorists. And we don’t know how to describe these movements other than neo-Nazis.”

“NATO is not capable of waging a ground war.”

“NATO goes beyond its defense role to attack a country (regarding Kosovo)”.

“Sweden is the American colony”.

Didier Maïsto

Born June 19, 1966, in Toulon, is a French business executive and editorialist. He worked for Fiducial and RT France.


“The United States owns 30% of Ukrainian land”.

“Ukraine is an American base”.

About fascism in Ukraine, Stepan Bandera (Ridiculously, he misspells the surname and calls him Mandera instead of Bandera, he seems not to know anything about this historical person):

“In Kyiv, i remind you, major arteries and, in particular, Moscow Avenue has been renamed into Stepan Mandera. I think that it is not worth it”.

“Mandera was a Ukrainian nationalist militiaman who was a very close collaborator of the Nazis and who was even more Nazi than the Nazis themselves and there were real pogroms where he put up to 30,000 people into a pit”.

Piero San Giorgio

His real name is Piero Falotti, born in 1971 in Milan (Italy), is a Swiss survivalist author close to certain far-right circles, known for his book “Surviving the economic collapse” published in 2011.


“Russia should be our friend”.

“It’s crazy how the EU looks like the USSR and Russia looks like the West before”.

Jacques Baud

Former member of Swiss strategic intelligence service, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular during the Maidan revolution in 2014.


“Ukrainian Army is collapsing; NATO is in panic”.

Henri Roure

General officer, Saint-Cyrien, graduate of higher military education, doctor in political science, Henri Roure spent his career in the Marine Troops. He notably served in Africa and on staff in International Relations. He is a member of the Joint Reflection Circle, advisor on African and geopolitical issues and lecturer. He is the author of a dozen of books and numerous articles.


About war in Ukraine:

“This war began with the bombing of the Ukrainian population because they were Ukrainians at the time in Donbas, 14,000 dead. So, we understand that in the long run the Russians saw their Russian and Russian-speaking compatriots mistreated by the NATO-Ukrainians”.

“The Americans are going to abandon Ukraine. Ukraine is over. Ukraine is terminated”.

About USA:

“God has not blessed America”.

“We will win the war against the United States”.

“The end of the USSR was a catastrophe”.

“If we add the debt of the federal states to the household debt it is 115 billion dollars, but you realize that this cannot last, there is social decay”.

“The United States is an extremely violent country. 500 mass attacks- this gives an idea of the moral disorder of this country. Also, there are other problems – obesity for example which has become a scourge and it especially affects the least favored communities. The use of marijuana, almost 50% of young people have smoked or had access to harder drugs”

“The public school system is totally failing.”

“We must also know that American higher education, which is so admired by some in France, is totally pervert. Only the children or the ruling caste are able to make their studies”.

“Today whites are in the minority, they number 152 million out of 332 million inhabitants, and their role continues to decline, there is the presence of more and more Latino people despite the dam”.

Helena Perroud

Born in Moscow, she is of dual Russian and French culture, bilingual, she has 10 years of life experience in Russia – 7 years in Moscow and 3 years in Saint Petersburg. She has worked regularly with Russia since the end of the 1990s, at the Presidency of the Republic (1996-2005), as the head of the French Institute of Saint Petersburg (2005-2008), also as the chief of the international opening of the Academy of Versailles (2009-2015). Founder of Héléna Perroud Conseil since 2015, she carries out consulting activities between France and Russia, supporting businesses in Russia. She makes numerous trips to Russia for this purpose.

Hervé Carresse

Expert consultant in risk prevention and control and crisis management, business continuity at HCAC, former head of the prevention and risk control office of the Army General Staff, former deputy logistics manager at the Paris Fire Brigade.

Édouard Husson

Born on March 23, 1969, in Paris, he is a French historian. First recognized for his work on Germany and Nazism, he was then more widely publicized for his commitments to the far right and the sharing of disinformation. This is what the pro-Russian media are repeating according to an investigation by the newspaper Le Monde on the “pro-Russian networks” of disinformation during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In 2024, a planned conference is on the agenda to bring together pro-Kremlin speakers in Geneva, canceled by the organizers due to the lack of diversity of opinions.

Jacques Hogard

Born on December 16, 1955, in Saint-Mandé, he is a French senior officer, former paratrooper in the Foreign Legion.

In 2022, during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Jacques Hogard takes position in favor of Russia. Very active on social networks, notably Twitter, Russian or pro-Russian sites and media such as TV Libertés, Boulevard Voltaire and Sputnik, he accuses the United States and NATO of being responsible for this war by their aggressiveness. towards Putin’s Russia.


“NATO’s strategy of encirclement affects Russia’s vital interests”.

On the anti-Semitism of Ukraine before the war:

“There were massacres before the war. What is true is that we have mentioned all these small neo-Nazi groups, the Svoboda party, but there are also Azov and Aidar. These small neo-Nazi groups do exist. You just must watch the videos of the prisoners taken in Mariupol by the Russians showing off their tattoos: swastika, quotes of Adolf Hitler on the chest or on the back or on the arms to understand that this is not a dream.”

“So, we tried to minimize all that. It’s not the majority it’s a minority, it’s obvious but an active minority. It was the minority who took charge of the war against Donbass, that is to say against the Russian-speakers, from 2014. It was the one who was integrated into the Ukrainian army and armed forces. This is a trend, and it has committed a certain number of actions and war crimes which must be denounced”.

“I think that President Zelenski when he was elected was not necessarily of this tendency. He had a program he wanted to do, he said he was going to unite, he wanted to pacify. But in fact, he very quickly found himself accused of being a traitor by these people and so he switched to their side”.

“So denazifying actually I think is not denazifying Ukraine – it is denazifying the current trend of this Ukrainian government and denazifying the remaining neo-Nazi groups.”

“And all this, one story, is Galicia. Benoît Méchin said Ukraine is the ghost of Europe. So, Ukraine has only been truly independent since 91 because before that there had been two or three very brief periods when Ukraine had been independent.”

“The ghost of Europe means that it is a state. Is it a nation, is it a country? – It’s a real debate because there is a Russian-speaking Orthodox Ukraine. And then there is a Western Ukraine which has always been subject to the Catholic influences of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland”.

“Crimea has been Russian at least since imperial times. I went to Crimea myself and visited all its magnificent palaces around Yalta Sevastopol”.

Alain Corvez

Retired French Army Colonel

Nikola Mirkovic

Nikola Mirkovic is the President of the Association “West – East” which claims to provide humanitarian help for the residents of Eastern Ukraine. He is also a regular commentator for the Russian state-controlled RT and Sputnik websites. He is the author of the book “Le martyre du Kosovo (The martyrdom of Kosovo)” (2013).

Pierre Lorraine

Journalist, writer – Russia specialist.

Gerald Olivier

Born October 29, 1959, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, is a Franco-American journalist. Former editor-in-chief of Spectacle du Monde, he is an editorialist at Atlantico and Causeur and a communications and media consultant.

Jacques Sapir

A French economist specializing in the economy of Russia, born in 1954 in Puteaux. He is the son of the psychoanalyst Michel Sapir.

He specializes in Russian economics and teaches at the Moscow School of Economics. He is also an expert on strategy and defense issues, and a specialist in the Soviet and Russian armies. Recently, he took a position in favor of deglobalization, questioning the future of the euro zone.


“Aid to Ukraine is not working it is time to negotiate”.

Tom Benoit

Essayist and entrepreneur. Editorial Director of Géostratégie magazine.

Michel Collon

Belgian journalist and essayist.

Eric Denécé

Born March 6, 1963, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, is an author, specialist in French intelligence and economic intelligence and director of the French Center for Intelligence Research (CF2R), a pro-Russian think tank founded in 2000.

His positions favorable to Vladimir Putin’s Russia, even openly relaying his disinformation, are controversial.


“The Ukrainians cannot win, and the Russians cannot lose.”

“The USA supported the worst extremists (Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Ukraine)”.


S. Ferreira


“Never has anti-Soviet propaganda been as despicable as today”.

Karine Bechet-Golovko:

Doctor of public law, prof. guest Univ. of Moscow State.


“Russia is gambling on its existence, but so is the globalist West”.

Pierre Conesa

Born August 4, 1948, in Algiers (French Algeria), is an essayist, senior civil servant and French business leader.

Philippe Béchade

Born in 1961, is a French financial analyst, technical analyst and arbitrageur by training, editor-in-chief of the Agora column.

Lucien Cerise

French writer with far-right views. He was one of the translators of the Aleksandr Dugin’s book “The Fourth Political Theory” into French. He often participates in Russian conferences and discussions. He traveled around the occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia.

François Asselineau

French politician and an Inspector General for finances. Asselineau was a member of the Rally for France and UMP before creating his own political party the Popular Republican Union. His movement promotes France’s unilateral withdrawal from the European Union, the Eurozone and NATO.

Caroline Galacteros

Born October 10, 1967, is a French geopolitologist and pro-Kremlin propagandist. Having ties to the far right, she was diplomatic advisor to presidential candidate Éric Zemmour until October 2022. Until 2022 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, she calls for bringing Russia closer and distancing politically and diplomatically from the United States. She adopts anti-Americanist, anti-Atlanticist positions and also defends Eurasianism, a geopolitical theory developed by the Russian ideologist Alexander Dugin.


“Zelensky will negotiate when there is no more Ukraine.”

Sylvain Ferreira

Historian, journalist, TV consultant (RMC Découverte, France 3, Tout l’Histoire, Planète +)


“We attack the Russians for what they are”.

Anne-Laure Bonnel

Pro-Russian journalist. During a highly noticed appearance on CNews, the reporter denounced “crimes against humanity” committed by Ukrainians in Donbass, mentioning in particular 13,000 deaths since 2014 in the region.

Olivier Delamarche

Born in February 1966, a French economist analyst known for being the columnist for the television show Cest Chas on RT France.

Youssef Hindi

Writer, lecturer, historian of religions and geopolitologist.


“The United States would rather destroy Europe than see it move closer to Russia”.

Jean-Bernard Pinatel

Born in Biarritz, business leader, has just published “The Warrior Spirit and Ukraine: the great European blindness”, 6,397 Followers on X.

Member of GEOPRAGMA – a non-partisan and non-profit association aiming at the renewal of French strategic thought and action based on a realistic, non-dogmatic and ethical vision of the world and people.

The other members of the association: Caroline Galactéros – President, Patricia Lalonde – Vice-President, Philippe Hénon – Secretary General, Gérard Chesnel – Treasurer, Christopher Coonen, Jean-Philippe Duranthon, Pierre de Lauzun, Jacques Myard, Héléna Perroud, Gérard Chaliand, Pierre Conesa, Jean-Claude Galli, Renaud Girard, Emmanuel Goût, Alain Juillet, Claude Revel, Alexis Tchoudnowsky (head of the Rothschild investment bank in Moscow).

Roland Lombardi

Born in Marseille in 1975, is a French historian and geopolitologist.

Yannick Harrel

Author, consultant and researcher in Cyberstrategy and Mobility 3.0, with higher education in sociology and law (Master 2), currently a doctoral student in mining engineering in the Mines, Oil and Gas department at the University of Petrosani (Romania). Yannick Harrel has worked in French and foreign firms and was responsible for the Cyber division of a Franco-German group specializing in the automotive and aeronautics sectors.


Media, business scientist, data analysis. writer.


President of the think tank Les Econoclastes, editor-in-chief at Bourse au Quotidien, co-founder of, columnist on BFM-Business, Sputnik.


Jérémy Bouhy

Sports agent, businessman born in 1981, holds master’s degree in law, master’s degree in ESSEC and master’s degree in finance from The Sorbonne. Founder of the company Sporteam, sold to the Lagardere Group in 2010. Specializes in football intermediation, and exchanges between France and Russia in the sporting, economic and cultural fields.

Régis De Castelnau

Régis de Curières de Castelnau, known as Régis de Castelnau, born March 7, 1950, in Rabat (Morocco), is a French lawyer. He is known for spreading conspiratorial ideas and disinformation from Kremlin propaganda about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Pierre Jovanovic

Born January 3, 1960, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, a French Catholic essayist, economic journalist, editor and columnist, author of historical, theological, financial and political essays. He is often presented as a regular disseminator of conspiracy theories linked to the far right.

Emmanuel Todd

French historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) in Paris. His research examines the different types of families worldwide and how there are matching beliefs, ideologies and political systems, and the historical events involving these things.


“Russia is winning the war, and Europe is going to collapse”.

“Ukrainian counteroffensive (author: invasion of Kursk oblast) is one of the desperate acts which accompany in general the global military collapses, which at the end of the Second world war were introduced by Germany”.

“United States is a power doing a lot of harm. I am convinced that their current objective is not to win the war of Ukraine but to keep control of their vassals, that is to say, us”.

“We expected a policy of sanctions to bring Russia down. Well, the Russian economy is doing very well, they have very little unemployment, inequalities are falling in Russia, workers’ wages are increasing, the regime is stable”.

Tamara Volokhova

Born in the south of Russia in Rostov-on-Don, Tamara Volokhova arrived in France to continue her studies in communications and public relations in Strasbourg at the end of the 2000s. After various internships, she was hired in 2014 as a as parliamentary attaché by Aymeric Chauprade, then member of the National Front (FN) and advisor to Marine Le Pen on international relations. Aymeric Chauprade has solid networks in Russia: he was notably invited as an “independent observer” of the referendum which preceded the annexation of Crimea in 2014. He also recruited Elizaveta Peskova as an intern in 2018, who did not is other than the daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov.

A note from the DGSI

Between 2014 and 2016, Tamara Volokhova traveled several times to Crimea and Russia to accompany MEPs. She was in contact with Alexander Babakov, Putin’s advisor in charge for cooperation with Russian organizations abroad, and intermediary for the FN’s Russian loan. According to a DGSI note dated March 2019 and consulted by Mediapart, she also had links with Alexei Kovalski, political advisor to the Russian ambassador in Paris and considered by the DGSI as an officer of the SVR (Russian intelligence service). This same French intelligence note specifies that an RN executive is dating a Russian spy.

In 2019, Tamara Volokhova began working with pro-Russian MEP Thierry Mariani, while continuing to exercise her functions within the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, formerly ENF.

Hélène Laporte

French politician who was elected as a National Rally (part of the Identity and Democracy) group Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in the 2019 European parliamentary election. She was vice president of the National Assembly from 2022 to 2024.

She was invited to Russia in 2020 as an “international expert” to observe the constitutional referendum that allowed Vladimir Putin to be candidate to Russian presidential elections until 2036. Despite several allegations of fraud, she called the referendum a “democracy lesson”. 10 MEPs from the National Rally were invited to observe this refendum. She also praised the organization of the election in the Russian journal Ria Novosti.


Agents of Russian influence in France – who are they? We offer you the list of pro-russian public persons and “fake experts” disseminating Russian propaganda in France with their info, political position and some citations. Many of them support ultra-rights, others are of Russian origin or have business related to Russia. Many of them are writers, publicists, have their blogs, pages, profiles and followers on social media, thus they can significantly affect public opinion and promote Russian narratives in France. Most of them regularly give interviews for Russian propaganda media like Sputnik, Russia today, Association Dialogue Franco-Russe and others.

dominique delawarde

Dominique Delawarde

Former French general, pro-Russian and anti-Semitic, frequent guest in several far-right media where he defends Putin and castigates the Americans.


“Despite NATO help, Russian victory is inevitable, mathematically”

Little by little NATO aid will stop, Ukraine will be abandoned by the Western allies. The Ukrainian affair is doomed to defeat of the Zelensky regime.”

“Zelensky has a few months left. The defeat of Ukraine is a matter of weeks or months. I think it’s rather months. I think the matter will be over and Zelensky will no longer be in power in Ukraine.”

Jean Lucat

Jean Lucat

Former paratrooper of the 8th RPIMA, and former DST agent in 1972, counterespionage, author of “A rebel at the DST, 15 years of sensitive affairs”.


“The Americans know that the war in Ukraine is lost”.

Guy Mettan

Guy Mettan

Swiss journalist and politician. He was a member of the Christian Democratic People’s Party of Switzerland before becoming a member of the Swiss People’s Party.

Mettan’s journalistic credibility has been questioned on several occasions. In 2017, Reporters Without Borders criticized Mettan for his pro-Russian militancy and for serving as a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda. Florian Irminger, Secretary General of the Swiss Green Party, also called Mettan an apologist for Putin’s government. Following Mettan’s support for the Ukraine bioweapons conspiracy theory in a Die Weltwoche essay in 2022, Swiss magazine Republik referred to the article as a “breathtaking compendium” of Russian propaganda.


“Westerns are poorly informed. The population of Donbass has been a subject to shelling for 10 years”.

Xavier Moreau

Former paratrooper officer who holds dual French-Russian citizenship. He owns the Moscow-based Sokol Holding that employs former members of French Army elite troops and Russian security services, as well as provides consultancy and security to French companies. He has authored books like “The new great Russia: From the collapse of the USSR to the return of Vladimir Putin” and “Ukraine – Why France was wrong”. Xavier Moreau runs the website and YouTube channel of Stratpol – Centre d’analyses politico-statégiques, promoting pro-Russian geopolitical content to primarily French audiences.


”Russia is fighting for Europe”.

“Ukraine is a dictatorship”.

“No industry, no soldiers in France”.

“The French word is no longer worth anything”.

“France has no interests in Ukraine”.

Peer de Jong

Former colonel of the marine troops, graduated the War School, doctor in political science. He is the co-founder of the Themiis Institute, dedicated to themes related to peace and security.


“Ukraine: financial aid will be of no use”.

Slobodan Despot

Born July 24, 1967, in Serbia, is a Swiss editor and writer of Serbian origin, founder and editor-in-chief of a site sharing disinformation. In 2023, Slobodan Despot shared false information claiming that Olena Zelenska spent a large sum of money on jewelry while her husband, Volodymyr Zelensky, was asking for financial aid for Ukraine to counter the Russian invasion of the country. This is false information taken from a pro-Kremlin source.


“Svoboda or others in Ukraine are movements related to Bandera and Chukhevic. These are people who came from collaborators of Nazism, who are terrorists. And we don’t know how to describe these movements other than neo-Nazis.”

“NATO is not capable of waging a ground war.”

“NATO goes beyond its defense role to attack a country (regarding Kosovo)”.

“Sweden is the American colony”.

Didier Maïsto

Born June 19, 1966, in Toulon, is a French business executive and editorialist. He worked for Fiducial and RT France.


“The United States owns 30% of Ukrainian land”.

“Ukraine is an American base”.

About fascism in Ukraine, Stepan Bandera (Ridiculously, he misspells the surname and calls him Mandera instead of Bandera, he seems not to know anything about this historical person):

“In Kyiv, i remind you, major arteries and, in particular, Moscow Avenue has been renamed into Stepan Mandera. I think that it is not worth it”.

“Mandera was a Ukrainian nationalist militiaman who was a very close collaborator of the Nazis and who was even more Nazi than the Nazis themselves and there were real pogroms where he put up to 30,000 people into a pit”.

Piero San Giorgio

His real name is Piero Falotti, born in 1971 in Milan (Italy), is a Swiss survivalist author close to certain far-right circles, known for his book “Surviving the economic collapse” published in 2011.


“Russia should be our friend”.

“It’s crazy how the EU looks like the USSR and Russia looks like the West before”.

Jacques Baud

Former member of Swiss strategic intelligence service, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular during the Maidan revolution in 2014.


“Ukrainian Army is collapsing; NATO is in panic”.

Henri Roure

General officer, Saint-Cyrien, graduate of higher military education, doctor in political science, Henri Roure spent his career in the Marine Troops. He notably served in Africa and on staff in International Relations. He is a member of the Joint Reflection Circle, advisor on African and geopolitical issues and lecturer. He is the author of a dozen of books and numerous articles.


About war in Ukraine:

“This war began with the bombing of the Ukrainian population because they were Ukrainians at the time in Donbas, 14,000 dead. So, we understand that in the long run the Russians saw their Russian and Russian-speaking compatriots mistreated by the NATO-Ukrainians”.

“The Americans are going to abandon Ukraine. Ukraine is over. Ukraine is terminated”.

About USA:

“God has not blessed America”.

“We will win the war against the United States”.

“The end of the USSR was a catastrophe”.

“If we add the debt of the federal states to the household debt it is 115 billion dollars, but you realize that this cannot last, there is social decay”.

“The United States is an extremely violent country. 500 mass attacks- this gives an idea of the moral disorder of this country. Also, there are other problems – obesity for example which has become a scourge and it especially affects the least favored communities. The use of marijuana, almost 50% of young people have smoked or had access to harder drugs”

“The public school system is totally failing.”

“We must also know that American higher education, which is so admired by some in France, is totally pervert. Only the children or the ruling caste are able to make their studies”.

“Today whites are in the minority, they number 152 million out of 332 million inhabitants, and their role continues to decline, there is the presence of more and more Latino people despite the dam”.

Helena Perroud

Born in Moscow, she is of dual Russian and French culture, bilingual, she has 10 years of life experience in Russia – 7 years in Moscow and 3 years in Saint Petersburg. She has worked regularly with Russia since the end of the 1990s, at the Presidency of the Republic (1996-2005), as the head of the French Institute of Saint Petersburg (2005-2008), also as the chief of the international opening of the Academy of Versailles (2009-2015). Founder of Héléna Perroud Conseil since 2015, she carries out consulting activities between France and Russia, supporting businesses in Russia. She makes numerous trips to Russia for this purpose.

Hervé Carresse

Expert consultant in risk prevention and control and crisis management, business continuity at HCAC, former head of the prevention and risk control office of the Army General Staff, former deputy logistics manager at the Paris Fire Brigade.

Édouard Husson

Born on March 23, 1969, in Paris, he is a French historian. First recognized for his work on Germany and Nazism, he was then more widely publicized for his commitments to the far right and the sharing of disinformation. This is what the pro-Russian media are repeating according to an investigation by the newspaper Le Monde on the “pro-Russian networks” of disinformation during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In 2024, a planned conference is on the agenda to bring together pro-Kremlin speakers in Geneva, canceled by the organizers due to the lack of diversity of opinions.

Jacques Hogard

Born on December 16, 1955, in Saint-Mandé, he is a French senior officer, former paratrooper in the Foreign Legion.

In 2022, during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Jacques Hogard takes position in favor of Russia. Very active on social networks, notably Twitter, Russian or pro-Russian sites and media such as TV Libertés, Boulevard Voltaire and Sputnik, he accuses the United States and NATO of being responsible for this war by their aggressiveness. towards Putin’s Russia.


“NATO’s strategy of encirclement affects Russia’s vital interests”.

On the anti-Semitism of Ukraine before the war:

“There were massacres before the war. What is true is that we have mentioned all these small neo-Nazi groups, the Svoboda party, but there are also Azov and Aidar. These small neo-Nazi groups do exist. You just must watch the videos of the prisoners taken in Mariupol by the Russians showing off their tattoos: swastika, quotes of Adolf Hitler on the chest or on the back or on the arms to understand that this is not a dream.”

“So, we tried to minimize all that. It’s not the majority it’s a minority, it’s obvious but an active minority. It was the minority who took charge of the war against Donbass, that is to say against the Russian-speakers, from 2014. It was the one who was integrated into the Ukrainian army and armed forces. This is a trend, and it has committed a certain number of actions and war crimes which must be denounced”.

“I think that President Zelenski when he was elected was not necessarily of this tendency. He had a program he wanted to do, he said he was going to unite, he wanted to pacify. But in fact, he very quickly found himself accused of being a traitor by these people and so he switched to their side”.

“So denazifying actually I think is not denazifying Ukraine – it is denazifying the current trend of this Ukrainian government and denazifying the remaining neo-Nazi groups.”

“And all this, one story, is Galicia. Benoît Méchin said Ukraine is the ghost of Europe. So, Ukraine has only been truly independent since 91 because before that there had been two or three very brief periods when Ukraine had been independent.”

“The ghost of Europe means that it is a state. Is it a nation, is it a country? – It’s a real debate because there is a Russian-speaking Orthodox Ukraine. And then there is a Western Ukraine which has always been subject to the Catholic influences of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland”.

“Crimea has been Russian at least since imperial times. I went to Crimea myself and visited all its magnificent palaces around Yalta Sevastopol”.

Alain Corvez

Retired French Army Colonel

Nikola Mirkovic

Nikola Mirkovic is the President of the Association “West – East” which claims to provide humanitarian help for the residents of Eastern Ukraine. He is also a regular commentator for the Russian state-controlled RT and Sputnik websites. He is the author of the book “Le martyre du Kosovo (The martyrdom of Kosovo)” (2013).

Pierre Lorraine

Journalist, writer – Russia specialist.

Gerald Olivier

Born October 29, 1959, in Neuilly-sur-Seine, is a Franco-American journalist. Former editor-in-chief of Spectacle du Monde, he is an editorialist at Atlantico and Causeur and a communications and media consultant.

Jacques Sapir

A French economist specializing in the economy of Russia, born in 1954 in Puteaux. He is the son of the psychoanalyst Michel Sapir.

He specializes in Russian economics and teaches at the Moscow School of Economics. He is also an expert on strategy and defense issues, and a specialist in the Soviet and Russian armies. Recently, he took a position in favor of deglobalization, questioning the future of the euro zone.


“Aid to Ukraine is not working it is time to negotiate”.

Tom Benoit

Essayist and entrepreneur. Editorial Director of Géostratégie magazine.

Michel Collon

Belgian journalist and essayist.

Eric Denécé

Born March 6, 1963, in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, is an author, specialist in French intelligence and economic intelligence and director of the French Center for Intelligence Research (CF2R), a pro-Russian think tank founded in 2000.

His positions favorable to Vladimir Putin’s Russia, even openly relaying his disinformation, are controversial.


“The Ukrainians cannot win, and the Russians cannot lose.”

“The USA supported the worst extremists (Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Ukraine)”.


S. Ferreira


“Never has anti-Soviet propaganda been as despicable as today”.

Karine Bechet-Golovko:

Doctor of public law, prof. guest Univ. of Moscow State.


“Russia is gambling on its existence, but so is the globalist West”.

Pierre Conesa

Born August 4, 1948, in Algiers (French Algeria), is an essayist, senior civil servant and French business leader.

Philippe Béchade

Born in 1961, is a French financial analyst, technical analyst and arbitrageur by training, editor-in-chief of the Agora column.

Lucien Cerise

French writer with far-right views. He was one of the translators of the Aleksandr Dugin’s book “The Fourth Political Theory” into French. He often participates in Russian conferences and discussions. He traveled around the occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia.

François Asselineau

French politician and an Inspector General for finances. Asselineau was a member of the Rally for France and UMP before creating his own political party the Popular Republican Union. His movement promotes France’s unilateral withdrawal from the European Union, the Eurozone and NATO.

Caroline Galacteros

Born October 10, 1967, is a French geopolitologist and pro-Kremlin propagandist. Having ties to the far right, she was diplomatic advisor to presidential candidate Éric Zemmour until October 2022. Until 2022 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, she calls for bringing Russia closer and distancing politically and diplomatically from the United States. She adopts anti-Americanist, anti-Atlanticist positions and also defends Eurasianism, a geopolitical theory developed by the Russian ideologist Alexander Dugin.


“Zelensky will negotiate when there is no more Ukraine.”

Sylvain Ferreira

Historian, journalist, TV consultant (RMC Découverte, France 3, Tout l’Histoire, Planète +)


“We attack the Russians for what they are”.

Anne-Laure Bonnel

Pro-Russian journalist. During a highly noticed appearance on CNews, the reporter denounced “crimes against humanity” committed by Ukrainians in Donbass, mentioning in particular 13,000 deaths since 2014 in the region.

Olivier Delamarche

Born in February 1966, a French economist analyst known for being the columnist for the television show Cest Chas on RT France.

Youssef Hindi

Writer, lecturer, historian of religions and geopolitologist.


“The United States would rather destroy Europe than see it move closer to Russia”.

Jean-Bernard Pinatel

Born in Biarritz, business leader, has just published “The Warrior Spirit and Ukraine: the great European blindness”, 6,397 Followers on X.

Member of GEOPRAGMA – a non-partisan and non-profit association aiming at the renewal of French strategic thought and action based on a realistic, non-dogmatic and ethical vision of the world and people.

The other members of the association: Caroline Galactéros – President, Patricia Lalonde – Vice-President, Philippe Hénon – Secretary General, Gérard Chesnel – Treasurer, Christopher Coonen, Jean-Philippe Duranthon, Pierre de Lauzun, Jacques Myard, Héléna Perroud, Gérard Chaliand, Pierre Conesa, Jean-Claude Galli, Renaud Girard, Emmanuel Goût, Alain Juillet, Claude Revel, Alexis Tchoudnowsky (head of the Rothschild investment bank in Moscow).

Roland Lombardi

Born in Marseille in 1975, is a French historian and geopolitologist.

Yannick Harrel

Author, consultant and researcher in Cyberstrategy and Mobility 3.0, with higher education in sociology and law (Master 2), currently a doctoral student in mining engineering in the Mines, Oil and Gas department at the University of Petrosani (Romania). Yannick Harrel has worked in French and foreign firms and was responsible for the Cyber division of a Franco-German group specializing in the automotive and aeronautics sectors.


Media, business scientist, data analysis. writer.


President of the think tank Les Econoclastes, editor-in-chief at Bourse au Quotidien, co-founder of, columnist on BFM-Business, Sputnik.


Jérémy Bouhy

Sports agent, businessman born in 1981, holds master’s degree in law, master’s degree in ESSEC and master’s degree in finance from The Sorbonne. Founder of the company Sporteam, sold to the Lagardere Group in 2010. Specializes in football intermediation, and exchanges between France and Russia in the sporting, economic and cultural fields.

Régis De Castelnau

Régis de Curières de Castelnau, known as Régis de Castelnau, born March 7, 1950, in Rabat (Morocco), is a French lawyer. He is known for spreading conspiratorial ideas and disinformation from Kremlin propaganda about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Pierre Jovanovic

Born January 3, 1960, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, a French Catholic essayist, economic journalist, editor and columnist, author of historical, theological, financial and political essays. He is often presented as a regular disseminator of conspiracy theories linked to the far right.

Emmanuel Todd

French historian, anthropologist, demographer, sociologist and political scientist at the National Institute of Demographic Studies (INED) in Paris. His research examines the different types of families worldwide and how there are matching beliefs, ideologies and political systems, and the historical events involving these things.


“Russia is winning the war, and Europe is going to collapse”.

“Ukrainian counteroffensive (author: invasion of Kursk oblast) is one of the desperate acts which accompany in general the global military collapses, which at the end of the Second world war were introduced by Germany”.

“United States is a power doing a lot of harm. I am convinced that their current objective is not to win the war of Ukraine but to keep control of their vassals, that is to say, us”.

“We expected a policy of sanctions to bring Russia down. Well, the Russian economy is doing very well, they have very little unemployment, inequalities are falling in Russia, workers’ wages are increasing, the regime is stable”.

Tamara Volokhova

Born in the south of Russia in Rostov-on-Don, Tamara Volokhova arrived in France to continue her studies in communications and public relations in Strasbourg at the end of the 2000s. After various internships, she was hired in 2014 as a as parliamentary attaché by Aymeric Chauprade, then member of the National Front (FN) and advisor to Marine Le Pen on international relations. Aymeric Chauprade has solid networks in Russia: he was notably invited as an “independent observer” of the referendum which preceded the annexation of Crimea in 2014. He also recruited Elizaveta Peskova as an intern in 2018, who did not is other than the daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov.

A note from the DGSI

Between 2014 and 2016, Tamara Volokhova traveled several times to Crimea and Russia to accompany MEPs. She was in contact with Alexander Babakov, Putin’s advisor in charge for cooperation with Russian organizations abroad, and intermediary for the FN’s Russian loan. According to a DGSI note dated March 2019 and consulted by Mediapart, she also had links with Alexei Kovalski, political advisor to the Russian ambassador in Paris and considered by the DGSI as an officer of the SVR (Russian intelligence service). This same French intelligence note specifies that an RN executive is dating a Russian spy.

In 2019, Tamara Volokhova began working with pro-Russian MEP Thierry Mariani, while continuing to exercise her functions within the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, formerly ENF.

Hélène Laporte

French politician who was elected as a National Rally (part of the Identity and Democracy) group Member of the European Parliament (MEP) in the 2019 European parliamentary election. She was vice president of the National Assembly from 2022 to 2024.

She was invited to Russia in 2020 as an “international expert” to observe the constitutional referendum that allowed Vladimir Putin to be candidate to Russian presidential elections until 2036. Despite several allegations of fraud, she called the referendum a “democracy lesson”. 10 MEPs from the National Rally were invited to observe this refendum. She also praised the organization of the election in the Russian journal Ria Novosti.