Representatives of French and German Elite who are Russian Agents.

The association Paris-Berlin-Moscou was founded in 2003. This is the organization which unites Russian agents  in France and Germany with the aim to extend russian influence and spread russian propaganda, also to spy in the interests of Russia.

The site of the association itself does not contain any useful or interesting information, plus we know that it is inactive and has not been updated since 2018 as some of the members are dead – one died in 2018, another in 2021, but they are still at the member board.

This is a good classical example allowing us to study patterns of russian influence on European countries via representatives of elite. The detailed description is written at their site: the network brings together public and private decision-makers, personalities from the diplomatic world, academics and industrialists. Representatives from other European countries can be part of PBM’s strategic network. Beyond France, Germany and Russia, our main relays are in Italy, Serbia, Hungary, Austria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Lithuania, etc. Network members participate in our seminars, study trips and other initiatives.

This organization is the classical scheme of implementation of russian influence – they attract persons who have influence and some status in their countries, pay them or interest in some other way, and give them instructions what exactly they have to do or to say in favor of russian interests.

Now we will go to the members of this organization, most of whom are well-known and influencial personalities in their countries, but also there are some ordinary russian propagandists living in Europe.


Henri de Grossouvre

An essayist specializing in international relations and European geopolitics and also director of public affairs for a large French group. He was responsible for the support committees for Jean-Pierre Chevènement for the 2002 presidential election, when he was based in Vienna, Austria, where he was director of major accounts for Central Europe and Russia.

Klaus Mangold

Born in 1943 in Germany. He studied law and economics at the universities of Munich, Geneva, Paris, London, Heidelberg and Mainz. After his studies, prof. Mangold held various positions in the German industry sector. From 1983 to 1990, he was Chairman and member of the board of management of Rhodia AG, a subsidiary of the former Rhône-Poulenc-Group. From 1991 to 1994, he was Chairman of the Executive Board of Quelle AG. From 1995 to 2003, he was member of the Executive Board of DaimlerChrysler AG, and during the same period, he was also Chairman of the Executive Board of DaimlerChrysler Services AG. In that capacity he was responsible for the Business Services segment and the Central and Eastern European markets of DaimlerChrysler AG.

Klaus Mangold was member of the Supervisory Boards of Metro AG and Continental AG, Germany, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Alstom AG, Germany, member of the Supervisory Board of Alstom S.A., France, member of the Supervisory Board of Swarco AG, Austria, as well as member of the global advisory council of Ernst & Young, USA and Chubb Ltd. New York, USA. Until May 2019, he was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TUI AG, Hannover. From 2000 to 2010, Prof. Mangold was Chairman of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations. Furthermore, until 2019 Klaus Mangold was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Rothschild GmbH, Germany as well as Chairman Rothschild Russia and CIS. From 2018 to May 2022, he was Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Knorr-Bremse AG, Munich. He still is Vice Chairman Rothschild Europe, Paris/London.

Klaus Mangold is founding member of the Executive Board of the Association of Friends of the Academy of Arts, Berlin and member of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Museum, Berlin. Furthermore, Klaus Mangold is the Chairman of Mangold Consulting GmbH based in Stuttgart, which was founded in 2003. From 2013 to 2022 Klaus Mangold was a member of the Supervisory Board of the holding “Baiterek” in Kazakhstan, and from 2021 till the beginning of 2022 he was member of the Supervisory Board of the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA).

Klaus Mangold is Honorary Senator of the University of Freiburg. He is Commandeur of the Légion d’Honneur, France, since 2004. Moreover, he is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Europe-Uzbekistan Association for Economic Cooperation since 2019.

From 2005 until 2022 he was the Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Richard Kitaeff

A lawyer registered with the Avignon bar, Richard Kitaeff defended a thesis in public law. Lecturer at Sciences Po Paris (2011-2018), he taught in the faculties of Strasbourg, Reims, Aix-en-Provence and Avignon. His academic training is diverse (intellectual property and business law, general public law, philosophy, biology). He has also published articles in various scientific or general publications (Revue de recherche juridique, Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle, Experts, L’hémicycle, Nouvelles Clés, Le Spectacle du Monde, Revue politique et parlementaire) and collaborated on various works such as Les principes et le droit (PUAM).

Mayor of the commune of Gordes, administrator of the Vasarely foundation, former cabinet collaborator within the urban community of Greater Avignon, he joined the operational reserve of the army, serving the 2nd REG between 2008 and 2019. Trained at “Saint-Maixent”, he directed the editorial staff of the magazine Servir published by the Fnasor before being admitted as a civilian auditor of the Ecole de Guerre-Terre (134th promotion).

Thierry Chatelier

With a scientific and technical background, Thierry Chatelier has invested in the digital sector where he has participated in several entrepreneurial adventures.

Passionate about institutional issues, he has been a political advisor to Think Tanks but also to political actors for issues of economic development of companies, social law and security issues.

A graduate in microwave sciences with a master’s degree from the University of Limoges, Thierry Chatelier holds a position of development director in an international French company.

Natalia Marzoeva

Natalia Marzoeva is an independent legal consultant.

She worked at UNESCO House in 2000-2003 (Department of Human Rights and Democracy, then Culture Department) for projects related to the French Senate and the Parliament of Uzbekistan (Oliy Majlis), as Director of Development for the Fauchon brand in Russia (2003-2007), and in the service to French companies established in Moscow.

Since 2010, she has directed the “Saisons de la gastronomie franco-russe” which aims to promote Russian culture in Europe as well as the French art of living in Russia.

Côme Carpentier de Gourdon

He is currently the Convener of the Editorial Board of the World Affairs Journal, a quarterly publication dedicated to international issues, sponsored by the Kapur Surya Foundation (a co-sponsor of the “World Public Forum for Dialogue of Civilisations”) New Delhi, India.

He shares his time between India, France, Italy and Switzerland. He has lived and traveled in more than fifty countries on four continents.

He is an adviser to Goldfield Fragrances/Quintessence Pvt. Ltd, an international, Indian-owned corporation and he provides consulting services to various other companies and foundations in India and Europe. He is an associate of the International Institute for Social and Economic Studies (IISES), Vienna, Austria.

Côme Carpentier is the author of various books and a contributor to several others. He has written some two hundred articles, essays and papers published in diverse journals, seminar proceedings, magazines and newspapers on many topics ranging from world history, western and eastern philosophies and religions, to current geopolitical, strategic and social issues, arts and comparative literature.

His latest titles are From India to Infinity; Memories of a Hundred and One Moons-An Indian Odyssey and A Shining City on a Hill-Novus Ordo Seculorum. He is the co-editor with Dr Kapila Vatsyayan of A Pilgrim Across Wordls – Remembering Raimundo Panikkar.

Jean de Boishue

Was  born September 12, 1943 in Boulogne-Billancourt, is a senior French civil servant and politician.

A member of the RPR (Rally for the Republic), he is Secretary of State for Higher Education, Member of Parliament for the third constituency of Essonne, Regional Councilor of Île-de-France, General Councilor of the canton of Brétigny-sur-Orge and Mayor of Brétigny-sur-Orge.

He was appointed Special Representative to Prime Minister François Fillon in May 2007.

Pierre Monzani

Héléna Perroud

Well-known russian propagandist.

Yves Pozzo di Borgo

Born 3 May 1948 in Ajaccio,Corsica, he is a French politician, He was a member of the Senate of France from 2004 to 2017, representing the city of Paris for the Centrist Union.

On July 2015, Pozzo di Borgo accompanied Thierry Mariani and 10 other party members on a controversial visit to the recently annexed Crimea.

Alexis Tchoudnowsky

We mensioned him in our previous article.

Marianna Meron Campagne

Lawyer in Paris.

Contacts: 01 42 60 05 31 – 06 13 89 28 82 

222 boulevard saint germain 75007 Paris

Christian Pujalte

Magistrate at the Paris Court of Appeal, former director of the Paris School of Lawyers.

Charles Zorgribe

Professor at the Sorbonne, former Rector of the Aix-Marseille Academy.

Olivier Echappé

Senior Advisor to the Court of Cassation, Former Advisor for Justice to the Presidency of the Republic.

As conclusion, having overviewed the list of the members of this organization and their social status, we can realize the scale of Russian influence, and it is really astonishing.

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